Transport Import Export en France en 2023
Transport Import Export en France en 2023
Transitaire CERL

The French Customs have published the latest report on France’s foreign trade for the year 2022. A good opportunity to review the main key figures of French import/export and create new opportunities for importers and exporters.

According to the latest annual report by Customs, the current account balance has become negative, with a difference of -53.5 billion euros, after being positive in 2021 at +9 billion euros.

The very good performance of services and the large surplus in the income balance are unable to offset the additional cost of the energy bill. The trade deficit worsened by 78 billion euros in one year and reached a record level of -164 billion euros. 86% of this worsening is directly linked to the energy bill.

import export in France in 2023

French exports and imports in 2022 – 2023

France’s trade deficit in goods will reach 164 billion euros in 2022, or 7% of GDP.

The energy crisis is the major cause of this deficit, with energy costs amounting to 115 billion euros (compared to 45 billion in 2021), accounting for 86% of the deterioration of our trade deficit since the previous year.

France has been forced to import raw materials on a massive scale at sharply rising prices (conflict in Ukraine, inflation, supply tensions, cost of raw materials, etc.). The volume of imported electricity has been multiplied by 42 since 2019. Gas alone accounts for 59 billion in deficit.

However, the services sector is performing well. The surpluses recorded in services (+50 billion euros) and income (+31 billion euros) were unfortunately not enough to offset the trade deficit in goods.

Growth in trade in services accelerated in 2022 (+20.8% after +14.7% in 2021).

Nevertheless, in 2022 the goods balance deteriorated from a deficit of EUR 67.9 billion in 2021 to -EUR 134.4 billion in 2022. The main explanation for this deterioration lies in France’s energy bill.

Key figures Import Export in France – 2022

Key figures for foreign trade

  • France is the 6th largest exporter of goods and services in the world
  • 144 400 French companies exporting
  • Export of goods in 2022: €594.5 million (up 17% from 2021)
  • Import of goods in 2022: €758.1 million (up 18.8% from 2021)
  • Trade deficit in goods: €163.6 million

France’s main customers

  • Germany (€80.3 million)
  • Italy (€54.2 million)
  • United States (€48 million)
  • Belgium (45.5 M €)

Note that 55% of French exports are destined for the European Union.

The main suppliers of France

  • Germany (€92.5 million)
  • China (€77.7 million)
  • Belgium (€68.7 million)
  • United States (€61.5 million)

Top 5 french exports

  • Aeronautics and space (€23.5 million)
  • Chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics (11.9 M €)
  • Food processing (€10.3 M)
  • Pharmaceuticals (€2.9 M)

The main sectoral deficits

  • Energy (115.3 M €)
  • Capital goods (43.5 M €)
  • Automotive (19.9 M €)
  • Metallurgy (15.9 M €)

Imports and exports of services

  • Exports of services : 310.1 M € (+21.9 %)
  • Imports of services : 260,2 M € (+19,4 %)

Balance of imports and exports of services

  • Trade surplus in services : 49,9 M € (+19,4 %)
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