With the multiplication of trade agreements and the increasing complexity of trade barriers, companies are finding it more and more difficult to find useful and strategic information for their market.
The Market Access Map is an online tool designed to address these issues. Developed by the International Trade Centre (ITC), it helps improve market transparency and facilitate analysis of trade policy issues.
The database allows you to determine the customs codes, duties, tariff preferences, anti-dumping duties, quotas, trade remedies applicable to your products, etc.
Well-known to importers and exporters, this tool has recently been updated to facilitate access. An indispensable portal to put in your favorites to prepare your requests for transport quotations for example!

Facilitate market access conditions
In an increasingly globalized world economy, it is essential for companies to have a good understanding of market access conditions. When prospecting for new markets or looking for new partners or suppliers, it is essential to know the tariffs applicable to your products, the rules of origin in order to benefit or not from a preferential tariff rate and the non-tariff measures affecting your trade.
Market Access Map is a market analysis tool that allows users to access and analyze information on tariffs, tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, and regulatory requirements applicable to a product in any market in the world. The data in the tool is continuously updated and comes from the relevant institutions in each country, the WTO, the World Bank, UNCTAD, etc.
All useful information by country of departure and arrival
The ITC tool provides information on tariffs (including tariff preferences) applied in over 220 markets and approximately 5,300 products traded worldwide.
It also covers import and export regulatory requirements, trade remedies, tariff rate quotas, non-tariff measures, preferential regimes, ad valorem equivalents. The Market Place analyzes markets, examining free trade agreements.
The web portal also provides much-needed functionality with simplified market access map display, unified search, and a data download function that allows users to extract the underlying data sets on tariffs, non-tariff measures, and trade flows. In addition, navigation options also allow for easy viewing of a country-by-country dataset via tables, maps and charts.
MAcMap data is updated continuously (but not in real time). For each country, the update is done several times a year, when possible.

CERL your preferred partner
If you are looking for new markets or wish to consolidate your flows, CERL can assist you with all your import and export transport operations. Our business expertise, combined with our knowledge of the constraints related to your activities, allow us to be a force of proposal within your company! No matter the size of your project, our teams are trained to perfectly master the latest customs, tax and regulatory issues.
We will design with you the optimal solution for your supply chain.