Newsletter CERL Novembre 2017
Newsletter CERL Novembre 2017
Transitaire CERL

Eve Bésilie, poet and legendary humanist, said that “We should trust that time will pass; the future will always reveal its secrets”. Wisdom and trust are important virtues, especially in industries as idiosyncratic as “Out of Gauge” transport and industrial project logistics.

If you can’t trust your service provider, the risks run by Supply Chain Managers for industrial groups become unbearable, and their consequences for the Financial Directors are unacceptable.

But trust doesn’t come easily or automatically. It can’t just be appended into a contract. It’s a virtue that seeds, grows and patiently takes root among all of the players in the logistics operation. It’s not a transferable commodity. It will wither and die if you try to replant it in new, infertile soil.

The trust between CERL and their clients has been built on a shared history of challenges and success, on a sense of corporate ethics which are instilled into the people themselves. The passing of time casts light on myriad paths which through light and darkness, trust and betrayal, may eventually lead us to the same destination.

I’d like to thank you for your trust.

CERL logistics
CERL Newsletter transport November 2017 - N°31

Summary edition November 2017

  • Editorial
  • A global alliance in the fight against carbon emission
  • The end is near for EUR.1 and FORM A certificates
  • A record year for freight transport
  • CERL examples achievements
  • Transporting a mooring buoy and accessory to alexandria

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