The end of one year and the beginning of another form part of the cycles of life and the economy. It’s traditionally a time for expressing kind thoughts to friends, family and business relations. CERL’s directors and employees will no doubt once again be sending all their customers and partners best wishes for excellence and success during this, the two thousand and seventeenth transition towards the contemporary future.
It’s also a time to express wishes for the planet, humanity and our children. And we must acknowledge that there are a few clouds on the horizon that make forecasting difficult for our international transport business. In this uncertain context, in which customs duties and customs barriers don’t know which way to turn and sustainable transport has come up against the realities of price and offer, these wishes take on their full meaning.
The CERL team wishes you a smooth, secure and sustainable logistics year.
We look forward to seeing you in January 2017 to celebrate CERL’s thirtieth birthday!

Summary edition December 2016
- New SOLAS Agreement, initial results and success for CERL and its customers
- CERL reinforces its QSE policy
- CERL at the annual meeting of the CLC Projects
- Examples of achievements :
- Two Swivels : Fos sur Mer to Singapor
- Equipment and accessories : Europe, USA and South America >>> Venezuela